M/s. Hamid Corporation is located in Chottagram, Bangladesh. It was established in 2000. Since then the company has been doing indenting, import & supply business. The company is also involved in the International Tender business with the help of foreign manufacturer/supplier. Our field of businesses are associated with 1. Bangladesh Railway, 2. Power Sector & 3. Shipping Sector etc.
Dedication to providing quality service, technical and management services to our associates. We will strive to implement a long term relationship with our associates, based on safety, quality, timely service and an anticipation of their needs. To help fulfil this mission, we will treat all employees fairly and involve them in the quality improvement process to insure responsiveness and cost effective work execution.
Bangladesh Government is currently investing hugely into the power sector, railways and in shipping sector. A huge number of opportunities are being created for the foreign investors/suppliers. So our company is in search of foreign suppliers who are willing to utilize these opportunities using our strength. As our company have very good relationships within those sectors and we will give our best to get the tender.